The CAPACities project aims at promoting the potential of little Alpine towns through an integrated and transnational approach by innovative urban policies and actions, and by creating alliances with the neighbouring MEGAs and stronger territories. The expected result is a new approach to territorial governance capable to integrate different issues (multifunctional urban uses, environment and culture, tourism) in spatial development strategies. The project will create operative tools and specific gender policies (women, youth and aged people) to promote innovative urban activities, pursuing the Lisbon strategy applied at local territorial level.
To make these tools operative and concrete, the project foresees their testing on pilot areas selected by partners and a final assessment and evaluation of results that will be reported and made available for policy makers and other stakeholders involved in the project.
One of the outputs is also web based tool for representing peculiarities of Alpine small urban centres.
The structure of the tool is two-fold: firstly, it represents the characteristics of small local urban centres on Alpine level and secondly, it enables mutual comparison of detailed information for all project pilot areas.